00:17:50 Carter Challance: Hello Everyone! Happy to be here! 00:21:14 Aleah's OtterPilot: Hi, I'm an AI assistant helping Aleah Makuakāne take notes for this meeting. Follow along the transcript here: https://otter.ai/u/koYEe8CRyr1ur1QufKd7yc-MLh0?utm_source=va_chat_link_1 You'll also be able to see screenshots of key moments, add highlights, comments, or action items to anything being said, and get an automatic summary after the meeting. 00:38:13 Tanaya M: no 00:43:19 Tamara: biggest issue i have dealt with is a lack of clarity on why decisions in the past were made, especially if there are not standards in place 00:43:56 jparsonsbernstein: Institutional Memory walks out the door. 00:44:49 Carter Challance: Contingency planning for the reaction(s) of other emotional regulation(s) and response(s). Yes Tamara - one of my concerns has been clarity and continuity in previous decision making. Institutional memory seems to not be valued component of onboarding. 00:44:54 Emery Cox: multiple choices apply there 00:45:06 Hayley (she/her/hers): Yes ^ only allowed one choice 00:45:32 Megan Kearns: I would select more than one answer if that was available 00:46:01 Greg Stuart (he/they): Perhaps think of your top choice? 00:55:27 Tamara: losing document access will only get worse as orgs move to the cloud if there isn't clear planning 00:57:39 Marcella Huggard: Fair AND PROMPT compensation (I left an org several months ago, and my successor just this month got a pay bump for temporarily taking on my duties) 00:59:43 Emery Cox: Biggest barrier: not enough time (especially not enough time for everyone to sit down together) 01:00:00 sausilio: The biggest barriers for us would be time and how to get started. 01:00:22 Julie Emig: A standardized protocol would help 01:00:23 Kim Andrews: Getting started with a plan to follow 01:00:36 Tanaya M: Lack of structure and staff... lack of communication. Information is disseminated painfully slow. 01:00:40 Susan: Best practices / what we should do would help 01:00:42 Megan Ramsey: Knowing what to prioritize 01:00:52 Director: Biggest barrier is salary and wages - had several applicants for Curator but lost them all due to low salary. 01:00:53 Becca Morrison: Municipal museum: quick turn over in part-time staff and long time frames before they are filled again 01:01:07 Shawna Gandy (she/hers): Barrier: lack of documented policies & procedures; lack of framework and bandwidth to undertake long-term planning 01:01:11 Kim Andrews: I'd love best practices standards for succession planning to cite to board and staff 01:01:18 Tamara: when your term is started from a place of poor planning and documentation you might not be able to fix all the issues your predecessors left, creating a paper trail of what work has been done is the minimum. 01:01:35 Julie Yamashita: Biggest barrier for addressing succession planning: Explaining to a board that succession planning is not done just at the point when a staff member leaves. I think the word “succession” itself is a barrier. 01:01:46 Shawna Gandy (she/hers): small step - identifying most critical documentation needed and get cracking on it 01:01:52 Helen P: Management complains about the aftermath of being in the lurch and yet when I was ready and willing to attack the subject matter with my HR director the effort fizzled out are the second session. He was too busy:( Left me hanging 01:01:58 Kim Andrews: I'd love to see a good-better-best matrix 01:01:59 Samantha Schafer: I've been incorporating succession planning as part of project planning where I can. For example: we updated our processing manual and part of that includes a workflow doc of who does what steps so that if one person leaves, the others know what duties need to be reassigned 01:02:02 Michele Campbell: Our board needs to commit and we are all volunteers with jobs so it is a challenge. We need succession planning and knowledge transfer for both employees and board members. 01:02:11 Jennifer S: Barrier: Leadership isn't interested in employee input- it is a very much top-down place to work 01:02:14 Nora Blackman (she/her): Templates for specific tasks to be completed 01:02:21 Emery Cox: Small step: Fill out a simple document to at least get started. List accounts/password managers, keys, equipment, etc. Mention important policies, job descriptions 01:02:41 Jessica Hamman (She/her) - Collections Manager/Registrar, AAMP: Trying to put in place a succession plan while trying to "fix" what is currently there. Having recently started a new position, my role is to create a system that organizes the work prior to my onboarding—too many hands resulted in too many inconsistencies, incomplete records, lost items, etc. I don't know how to put in place a succession plan when what I've received is not in any place to be passed on to someone who may come after me. 01:02:47 meg newburger: Our biggest barriers are lack of written policies that are maintained after supervisorary changes which happen often 01:03:18 Kim Norman: I would be interested if organizations do any cross-training as part of their succession plan. 01:03:55 Jennifer S: Take the time to write down "institutional knowledge" that you know of so that there is a document for people that come behind you. 01:05:27 Rachel: can we get a link to that document? 01:05:28 Clare McGowan: Most succession planning in our department over the years has been initiated by individuals who took it upon themselves to create a document related to their role. Some of these are still in use and updated with each turnover of the role (sadly) 01:06:12 LeThesha Harris: https://www.ncaper.org/for-organizations 01:06:23 meg newburger: 1 impactful step would be better, more respectful communication between staff and management 01:06:26 Carter Challance: Will participants have access to chat information? 01:06:41 Megan Kearns: Being in my early career, I've had several time-limited contract roles. I always make sure to leave all my deliverables with the institution. I also leave documentation as to what work I was not able to finish and what should be prioritized by the next person. 01:08:14 Clare McGowan: Thank you so much for all of this! I'm looking forward to reviewing these materials and to the next session! 01:08:23 Kim Andrews: What is the url? 01:08:32 CCAHA: You can also access it here: https://ccaha.org/succession 01:08:51 Kim Andrews: Love it! Thank you! 01:09:08 Kodiak History Museum info@kodiakhistorymuseum.org: Thank you so much for your time and information! Very insightful! 01:09:57 CCAHA: Register for the July 10th webinar here: https://ccaha.org/events/succession-planning-cultural-institutions-part-two-resource-roadmap 01:10:00 Julie Yamashita: Thank you! I look forward to the July meeting! 01:10:08 Emery Cox: Thank you for that webpage! I don't think there was a "one-stop shop" last time I checked! 01:10:24 Helen P: Signed up. Cheers! 01:10:27 Rachel: Thank you for this amazing meeting. 01:10:47 Jennifer S: Thank you 01:11:14 Lloyd Johnson: Thank you all 01:11:25 Shawna Gandy (she/hers): Thank you for these resources! 01:11:29 Kim Norman: Thanks very much! Very good information. 01:11:37 Tamara: having a gen resource of things to do if you start at an institution without succession planning would be helpful 01:12:21 jparsonsbernstein: Thank you for this session. 01:12:24 sausilio: Thank you! 01:12:42 Nora Blackman (she/her): Thank you! 01:12:44 Allyson Lazar (she/her): So important. Thank you so much! 01:13:00 Steph Westerland (she/they): Thank you! 01:13:01 ebtarchives: Thank you! 01:13:11 Carter Challance: Thank you all for A GREAT SESSION! I have signed up for the next webinar as well! As an independent researcher this has been KEY information! 01:13:18 LeThesha Harris: https://www.ncaper.org/general-4