00:23:53 CCAHA: Find the previous part of this webinar series here: https://youtu.be/-varGdAR3KY 00:29:26 CCAHA: You can find the website with resources, conference dates, and other information here: https://ccaha.org/succession 00:33:39 CCAHA: RACI Chart is linked here: https://ccaha.org/resources/raci-chart-succession-planning 00:36:13 CCAHA: Job Analysis Template here: https://ccaha.org/resources/job-analysis-template-succession-planning 00:39:40 CCAHA: Find the Risk Advocacy Matrix here: https://ccaha.org/resources/succession-risk-advocacy-matrix 00:41:24 CCAHA: 5 Key Questions Board Members Should Ask: https://ccaha.org/resources/5-key-questions-board-members-should-ask-about-staff-succession-planning 00:44:28 CCAHA: 10 Things You Can Do Now: https://ccaha.org/resources/top-10-things-you-can-do-now-support-succession-planning-staff-transitions 00:45:49 Heath Ballowe: When coming in as a new employee for a museum that hasn’t considered succession planning previously, how would you recommend implementing these initiatives as they also familiarize themselves with a collection? 00:49:12 Jackie Camborde: Can you put the ncaper website link in the chat? 00:49:31 CCAHA: NCAPER's website here: https://www.ncaper.org/ 00:50:01 CCAHA: Oral History Knowledge Transfer Guide here: https://ccaha.org/resources/oral-history-knowledge-transfer-guide 00:52:43 CCAHA: 30-60-90 Days After Starting a New Job: https://ccaha.org/resources/calendar-30-60-90-days-after-starting-new-job 00:55:38 CCAHA: File Naming Strategies: https://ccaha.org/resources/file-naming-strategies-aid-succession-planning 00:57:34 CCAHA: Plans, Policies, and Procedures here: https://ccaha.org/resources/essential-written-plans-policies-and-procedures-collections-holding-institutions 01:01:44 CCAHA: The bibliography for this project can be found here: https://ccaha.notion.site/1059610a42554a54a48ff1631808243e?v=b519b8a0c6cc4047931209bb92259f8d 01:04:21 CCAHA: Collections Management Policy Toolkit: https://cmptoolkit.org/ 01:07:15 CCAHA: Find the roadmap for these resources here: https://ccaha.org/resources/succession-planning-roadmap 01:10:46 Susan: I am very excited that you developed these resources. It will be a huge help 01:10:51 M. Eng: Looking forward to examining the resources and templates. 01:11:24 Dyani Feige (she/her): dfeige@ccaha.org 01:11:33 Amy Peck, Prospect Park Alliance: This is perfect timing for me, I really appreciate all of the work that went into this. 01:11:37 gracec: Do you have an estimated amount of time that filling out these templates might take a small archive to complete? In other words, should I have started 3 years ago? 01:12:14 pamela: Resources for external communications regarding the departure of key personnel. 01:13:38 Heath Ballowe: You mentioned that there are grants available for implementations of these initiatives, I am terrified to go to a board to argue that the museum work towards these practices but there to so much that hasn’t been done and I believe need to be implimented 01:13:42 Caroline Ziegler she/her: Perhaps it's already covered in the resources, but for an org that has very little of any of these suggestions implemented, where do you keep the succession planning notes? I feel like the first think I would try and tackle is the Procedures of my job, for example, how do I ensure that's actually available and accessible to the next person in my position? Should it exist in hard copy in my workspace, for example? 01:15:56 Jackie Camborde: Very grateful for this resource. Thank you! 01:17:52 Heath Ballowe: Thank You! 01:18:16 gracec: I am so grateful that y'all've done so much to lay these things out. I shall be retiring within the next 12 - 18 months - and this small collection is "my baby." I have to get ready to turn it over to its next caretaker. 01:18:33 Caroline Ziegler she/her: Thank you so much for creating and sharing these resources, this is really wonderful 01:19:13 Clare McGowan: Thank you so much for all of your work on this! 01:19:14 Dyani Feige (she/her): meisenberg@ccaha.org - Michelle Eisenberg, CCAHA's Executive Director 01:19:20 Tanaya M: Thank you all. excellent presentation! 01:19:35 Susan: Thank you! 01:19:38 Kristin O'Lear: Thank you! Very informative! 01:19:39 Tom Clareson: tom.clareson@lyrasis.org 01:19:49 Robin Izon: thank you! 01:19:53 Shawna Gandy (she/hers): Thank you! Such well timed and greatly appreciated resources.