

All resources below are available as a download at the bottom of each page. To cite resources from our database, please use the following format:

"[Name of Technical Bulletin]." Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts, Philadelphia, PA, [year]. "Guides & Fact Sheets,"


An infographic detailing questions that board members should ask about an organization's succession planning.

The care of collections is essential to ensuring that our collective

This guide offers suggested tasks and points of understanding to consider when stepping into a new role.  The list addresses People (relationships); Policies, Processes and Programs; and Priorities – so that new staff can make space for both gathering information, and sorting through their a

A supply guide of cold storage tools.

A well-designed housekeeping plan not only keeps collections clean and dust-free, but also allows staff time to regularly monitor the state of the collection.

An infographic of collections environment recommendations.
This list of vendors was initiated for CCAHA's "Diversity in Collections Care: Many Voices" colloquium. The list is intended to raise awareness, access, and support for businesses relevent to our sector that are BIPOC-, LGBTQ+-, women-owned and/or operated, as well as ones that offer sustainable products.