Meet Up at the Colloquium Café

Digital Event

Event details



Presented by the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts with generous grant support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, William Penn FoundationIndependence Foundation, and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.  

CCAHA is committed to providing universal access to our programs. Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs; please contact Stephenie Schwartz Bailey, by email at or by phone 215-545-0613 ext 314, at least seven days prior to the start of this event to make specific arrangements.

What was the one thing you learned at the Colloquium Many Voices on March 23rd and 24th that you couldn’t wait to share with your colleagues? How has it shaped the dialogue happening at your institution? Is there one presentation you’d like to talk more about (or one you couldn’t attend that you’d like to hear another attendee talk about)? Keep the conversation going!

Colloquium panelist Sarah Pharaon of Dialogic Consulting will lead the Meet Up to share additional frameworks for initiating difficult conversations at your institution. Join Sarah, select CCAHA staff and other Colloquium participants for this free and informal session to continue the dialogue about topics on diversity in collections care.
