Staff member instructs fellows


 We've trained more than 70 fellows in the past 45 years.

Our postgraduate Paper Conservation Fellows spend a year working in the lab, gaining experience meeting with clients, writing treatment proposals and reports, and treating a variety of objects.

Over the years, we've received funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), and the Kress Foundation to support our fellowship program.

In 2016, we were asked by the NEH to pilot a new fellowship in preventive conservation. Working closely with our preservation services staff, the Preventive Conservation Fellow assists in preservation surveys, workshop planning, and updating our resources.


As this issue of Art-i-facts goes to press, CCAHA Fellow Rémy Dreyfuss-Deseigne has just returned to Paris to present the findings of his research project on nanocellulose at an international conference for museum conservators. He is working in a long tradition of utilizing CCAHA’s state-of-the-art...