Mold: Prevention, Detection, and Recovery

Webinar: Tuesday, January 24th at 10am ET   |   Discussion: Wednesday, January 25th at 10am ET

Mold spores are always present, even in the cleanest spaces. When too much moisture is present, due to a water leak or a poorly functioning HVAC system, mold outbreaks can occur. As it grows, mold attacks and weakens leather, cloth, and paper, and often causes permanent staining. Some molds also make people sick. How can collections staff stop mold from growing? And what should they do when they find it? This workshop will answer these questions by explaining the environmental factors that allow mold to grow. It will also discuss how to identify mold, how to protect people from health hazards associated with mold, and how to stop mold from spreading within a collection.

This webinar was presented by Maddie Cooper (Associate Preventive Conservator, CCAHA) on January 24th, 2023. A recording of the program and list of related resources are available below.