

All resources below are available as a download at the bottom of each page. To cite resources from our database, please use the following format:

"[Name of Technical Bulletin]." Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts, Philadelphia, PA, [year]. "Guides & Fact Sheets,"


A pamphlet on salvaging photographs. Written in Spanish.

Collections caretakers such as Collection Managers, Curators, Registrars, Archivists and Librarians often have to mak

This technical bulletin offers guidelines for the long-term preservation of photographic collections.

Learning in the Present to Prepare for the Future: A Greater Understanding of the Impact of COVID-19 on Collections Preservation in the U.

Preventive conservation is the practice of taking steps to avoid or mitigate damage to collections.

A glossary of conservation treatment priority categories.

In order to face conservation challenges for collection care, winter seasons offer a great opportunity for planning preservation programs and put in place large-scale renovation projects.