2021 NEH Digital Preservation Assessment Program Application

This program is open to institutions with humanities collections that are available to the public on a regularly scheduled basis located anywhere in the United States. Through funding from the NEH, CCAHA is able to offer a limited number of subsidized assessments for a total of just $500 each.
A CCAHA preservation professional specifically trained in the digital assessment methodology will prepare the report in close consultation with assigned staff members at the cultural organization. The survey process will include an evaluation of the institution’s preservation needs related to digital collections: strategic goals for digital preservation; users and designated community; resources (staffing, training, and budget); policies related to digital collections (collection development, selection, copyright, disaster planning and continuity of operations, access and retrieval); processes and workflows (content creation for reformatted and born digital materials, metadata, and documentation); and technological resources (IT support, working with legacy media, data management tools, digital storage, and digital collections security). The final document will provide observations and recommendations.
Organizations will be encouraged to integrate key assessment recommendations into their overall strategic plans. Additionally, the assessments will provide a framework and justification for seeking funding to increase accessibility of collection items via digitization, to move systems toward optimal levels of standards and practices, and to address specific concerns.
How to apply:
To apply for the NEH Digital Preservation Assessment program, you will be asked to complete a narrative section, provide general information about your institution, and upload several attachments. To begin, please download the application form from this page (above). When completed, the application form and all required documents can be uploaded and submitted using the form below. If it is not possible to submit your application electronically, please see the application form for instructions on sending by mail.
Please note: If you are a department, division, or section of a larger organization (e.g., an archives department in a larger museum, a university archive or library), please answer questions about staff and budget related to your department, division, or section rather than the institution as a whole.
Responses to the Narrative and General Information questions require you to check off all applicable answers to each question and/or can be entered in the appropriate text box. If a required question is not relevant to your organization, enter N/A.
CCAHA is available to assist you in completing the application form. Please contact Dyani Feige, Director of Preservation Services, for assistance or additional information at 215-545-0613 ext. 309 or dfeige@ccaha.org.
Applications must be submitted by Tuesday, June 15th, 2021
This program is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.