RHSP Assessments Programs

This program is open to institutions with humanities collections that are available to the public on a regularly scheduled basis located in either of two identified regions:  

Appalachia: The states of Kentucky and West Virginia; the Appalachian counties of Ohio and Pennsylvania  

Deep South: The states of Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi  

Through funding from the NEH, CCAHA is able to offer a limited number of assessments free of charge.  

Participation in this program requires a commitment to serve in a regional cohort, attend at least one other preservation needs assessment site visit over the course of the program (2024-2026), and host at least one representative from another participating institution on the site visit.  

Each institution selected to participate in the regional cohort will receive a preservation needs assessment from a CCAHA specialist and host a site visit with other participants. The preservation needs assessment process encompasses a general evaluation of the institution's preservation needs for their collections and includes: environment (temperature, relative humidity, pollution, and light), housekeeping, pest control, fire protection, security, and disaster preparedness; collection storage, handling, exhibition, and treatment; and preservation planning. The site visit consists of a review of the facility conducted by a CCAHA preservation expert, an examination of the collections, and interviews with relevant staff. The written report provides observations, recommendations, and resources to serve as a guide in the development of a comprehensive preservation plan for the collections.  

In addition to agreeing to attend one other assessment in the region, institutions must commit to hosting collections staff or volunteers from at least one other institution during the CCAHA site visit. This peer-to-peer format will foster connections between institutions and bolster the overall collections care communities in the region.

Click here to apply.