

All resources below are available as a download at the bottom of each page. To cite resources from our database, please use the following format:

"[Name of Technical Bulletin]." Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts, Philadelphia, PA, [year]. "Guides & Fact Sheets,"


The following definitions in this resource have been compiled from CCAHA Disaster Recovery bulletins: Salvaging Books, Salvaging Art on Paper, and Salvaging Photographs.

During renovation and collections moves, the potential risks increase for damage to collection objects.

An infographic of the ideal process for collections preservation and conservation.
An illustrated guide to book terminology, in two parts.

The Introduction to Digitization Resources handout accompanied a webinar presented by Maggie Downing, CCAHA Manager of Digital Imaging on October 21, 2020. Topics include: Prioritization of collections, copyright, file specifications for digitization, metadata, file storage

A worksheet of ISO standards for housing photographs.

This Template supports Succession Planning by examining key job tasks, functions, connections, and expertise. Each role should be examined in relation to the larger goals of the department and how the department interacts with other parts of the organization (if applicable).

The safest and most effective way to deal with insects in collections is the use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM).